How to make a zip folder
How to make a zip folder
Zipping (or compressing) files is an incredibly useful way to store important documents and images. Not only does it save space, but it also ensures that your files remain safe and secure. Unfortunately, many of us don’t know how to create a zip folder. Luckily, the process is straightforward and you can do it with just a few clicks. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the steps for creating a zip folder in both Windows and MacOS so you can start protecting your files today!
What is shareit app?
Shareit is an app that allows you to share files between devices. It is a cross-platform app that supports Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac. With Shareit, you can share photos, videos, music, documents, and other types of files.
How to make a zip folder with shareit app ?
-Open the shareit app and select the files you want to zip
-Click on the "more" option and then select "compress"
-Your zip folder will be created!
Making a zip folder is an easy process that can be done in a few simple steps. Whether you're zipping files to save space or sending out large amounts of files, knowing how to make a zip folder is essential. It's also important to remember that once you've created the zip file, there are several ways to unzip it depending on your operating system. With these tips and tricks, you should now have no trouble creating and managing your own Zip folders with ease!